- last update
- 28 August 2020, 曖昧さ 個展 Gallery-G77 2020/09/12-10/04
- 13 July 2020, 「二つの自然」有原友一 大城夏紀 西山功一 PORT ART&DESIGN TSUYAMA 2020/08/08-08/23
- 28 August 2018, 消えてしまわないように 個展 HAGISO 2018/09/11-10/08
- 16 August 2017, Group Exhibition : “OPEN TIME”: 25.August-12.September, Art Trace Gallery,Tokyo
- 26 May 2017, CORRESPONDENCE/LANDSCAPE 017 2人展 ギャラリー工房親 2017/06/10-25
- 26 May 2017, 光があなたの影を映しだすように 個展 Musee F 2017/06/12-17
- 19 January 2017, Never Understand 西山功一 樋口朋之 横澤進一
- 20 September 2015, Solo Exhibition : "XX" 3.October-27.October, Art Trace Gallery,Tokyo
- 12 July 2015,
study 2015 yokohama
- 22 March 2015, Group Exhibition : 「形象への眼差し、光景の眺め」: 3.April-14.April, Art Trace Gallery,Tokyo
- 03 October 2014, Group Exhibition : 「川崎発、写真の未来展」: 5.October-13.October, 川崎市市民ミュージアム
- 04 April 2014, Solo Exhibition : "strawberry wine" 26.April-3.May 2014, Gallery 10:06, Osaka
- 01 October 2013,
Solo Exhibition : "PINK ORANGE RED" 20.October-27.October.2013,Gallery Raven,Tokyo
- 08 September 2013,
Solo Exhibition : "multifold" 23.september-01.october.2013,Art Trace Gallery,Tokyo
- 02 February 2013, Group Exhibition : 20 February-02 March, COMPARISON - 比較的反復 - ART TRACE GALLERY,Tokyo
- 02 December 2012, Solo Exhibition : "planarity" 13-25 December 2012,GENDAI HEIGHTS GalleryDEN,Tokyo
- 25 June 2012, Group Exhibition : 03 August-18 September 2012,Equivalents: 17th Annual Photographic Competition Exhibition
- 19 May 2012, 07-17 June,2012 "Copenhagen Photo Festival"
- 11 November 2011, Photo Festival : "FotoNoviembre 2011"
- 01 October 2011, Unless You Will (online photography journal)
- 13 June 2011, Interview : URBANAUTICA(online photography journal)
- 03 June 2011, Landscape Stories.04 TRACES(web)
- 26 May 2011, DER GREIF FOTOMAGAZIN-Portrait(magazine and online photography journal)
- 16 August 2010, Solo Exhibition : 03 September-15 September,2010 西山功一 個展 "GOING BLANK AGAIN" ART TRACE GALLERY,Tokyo.
- 06 August 2010, japan exposures : COVER PHOTO , Gallery
- 24 May 2010, Solo Exhibition : 02-19 June,2010 西山功一 個展 "Nowhere" Gallery Kobo Chika,Tokyo.
- 24 May 2010, Group Exhibition : 01 June-19 July,2010 "5 visions of 5 photographers" Gallery21,Tokyo.
- 13 April 2010, Group Exhibition : 14 May-13 July,2010 "Nagameru Manazasu"「ながめる まなざす」 Upfield-gallery,Tokyo. leaflet PDF