planarity 2012-2015
These photos were taken in the suburb of Tokyo where I happen to be in.
Overlapping the surface of the walls, the metals and the plastics in my photos fade away what I used feel toward them and generate new idea.
Is it unrelatedness making me take photos of similar spots over and over doesn’t seems to be end.
Photographic technology, the distortion of the light on the surface through lens and electronics is still beyond the personal intention.
Planarity is a puzzle computer game by John Tantalo, based on a concept by Mary Radcliffe at Western Michigan University.[1] The name comes from the concept of planar graphs in graph theory; these are graphs that can be embedded in the Euclidean plane so that no edges intersect. By Fa´ry's theorem, if a graph is planar, it can be drawn without crossings so that all of its edges are straight line segments. In the planarity game, the player is presented with a circular layout of a planar graph, with all the vertices placed on a single circle and with many crossings. The goal for the player is to eliminate all of the crossings and construct a straight-line embedding of the graph by moving the vertices one by one into better positions. - Wikipedia
March 2014